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The Nervous System
of Drosophila melanogaster:
from Development to Function


Dear colleagues,

we, Karl-Friedrich Fischbach and Dierk Reiff, are very pleased to invite you to participate actively in a small meeting about the neurogenetic model system

Drosophila melanogaster: from Development to Function.

The meeting is taking place from September 26th - 29th, 2013 in Freiburg / Germany.

Dierk Reiff is just starting his professorship at the Freiburg University, while Karl Fischbach is, regrettably, ending his official scientific career. This transition is accompanied by a transition in the field of Drosophila Neurogenetics. Techniques for the functional analysis of neural circuits are currently being combined with detailed studies on the development and structure of the Drosophila nervous system. This approach aims at replacing speculations about functional implications of neural structures by experimentation and an understanding of development and function at large. This is all made possible by a revolutionary development of new tools since Seymour Benzer turned to the field of Neurogenetics in Drosophila in 1967.

We are very pleased, that many leading experts in the field have agreed to participate in the meeting. Here is the list of participants and here is the preliminary program.

The meeting will take place in the Waldhof retreat (Akademie für Weiterbildung www.waldhof-freiburg.de ) in Freiburg i. Brsg. Germany (www.freiburg.de).

Here is, how you reach the Waldhof.

The results of the meeting and papers of participants will be published in a special issue of Journal of Neurogenetics. In case of questions, please contact

Dierk Reiff         or         Karl-Friedrich Fischbach

University | Faculty | Biology I | Biology II | Biology III | Filab | Bernstein Center