Enhancertrap line Gal4(1369)

The antennal commissure (AC) connects the antennal lobes (AL) and consists of the axons of smell receptors located in the funiculus of the antenna. Most of these sensory neurons project to a single ipsilateral and a mirror symmetrical contralateral glomerulus of the antennal lobe.

Frontal semithin section. Degenerated antennal commissure (AC, dorsal to the median bundle [MB]) after cutting both antennae. A saggital EM-section (below) showing the degenerated antennal commissure after removal of the funiculi reveals only few surviving fibers (arrow).

degenerated AC (613 kB)

The AGT = antenno-cerebral tract shows no degeneration in this experimental situation.

More information about the neuronal organization of the antennal lobes in:

Stocker R.F., Lienhard M.C., Borst A., and Fischbach K.-F. (1990). Neuronal Architecture of the Antennal Lobe in Drosophila melanogaster. Cell Tissue Res. 262, 9-34.

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